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Friday, July 22, 2005

Bungle boogie

Originally uploaded by Schmodt.
It's so unfair, isn't it? You get a hilarious photo of someone, that they'd rather no one see, and you go and publish it to the whole world.

London was subject to attack again today. So on this day of sad events, and serious discussions, and recriminations, and consideration of whether going to war on the Arab world might have led to some Muslims being a bit pissed off with Britain...

...I'd like to show off this photo of my friend, Bungle, doing his 'slut face' (you make the connection, I can't) in my lounge at a Barbeque last night.

No, we are not afraid. (Although I'm prepared to admit we shouldn't have attacked Iraq.) However, we are certainly not afraid. In fact, we are holding barbeques, and doing bizarre slut faces, to be honest.

More photos from the barbie (but you'll have to beg me to see the photo of Sian's slut face) at my flickr photostream

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