Every now and then everyone (okay, not everyone, but most people) who has a blog realises they haven't updated it for about two months (four in my case) and they should really do something about it. Well I have.
You may have noticed in the last couple of weeks that more photos have appeared (courtesy of Flickr and their marvellous badges), and also that updates have started coming in via Twitter.
Twitter's a social networking tool that lets you tell people What You Are Doing via the web, and from your mobile by SMS. It also sends you text message updates from your friends as soon as they post them (by whatever method), which means you don't have to be in front of the screen to find out how people are and what they're up to.
Matthew argued that this would be vastly annoying. I told him to test it.
Personally I found the idea that I could *choose* to keep people up-to-date with my movements from wherever I am in the world - with or without a PC or laptop in front of me - really compelling. And of course friends can choose whether or not to subscribe to my witterings. Sweet.
So I've added an RSS feed from Twitter into the top of this blog too, and now I have three ways of making changes to my Schmodt blog page: new photos in Flickr (I tag them 'blog' and they appear on my page), new updates to Twitter (from my mobile, mostly, which is so handy - no German pun intended), and straight, simple updates like this one.
By the way, if anyone knows a way to go from running the RSS feed *as is* in this page to actually importing it properly into the blog - so that when people click on the links they remain on my blogspot pages - I'd be grateful to know. Just an idea I'm working on which, as usual, I have no idea how to implement...
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